Shishito Peppers


This recipe is probably one of the most addictive things you will ever eat. I would say don’t make this because you will only want more, but they’re too good to pass up! A perfect hors d'oeuvre, appetizer, or main dish paired alongside some fried rice and chicken teriyaki!


3 cups shishito peppers

3 tbsp sesame oil

2 tsp soy sauce

flakey salt

sesame seeds


The peppers are best when cooked on a wok or a cast-Iron. If you don’t have either, no worries. Begin by heating your pan on medium-high heat. Get the pan really hot, then add your sesame oil. Toss in your peppers, but don’t touch them… We want them to get blistered and crispy. After about one minute, toss them around, and repeat by not touching them for at least one minute. Once the blistering is evenly distributed around the peppers, take them off the heat and plate. Garnish with flakey salt and sesame seeds. Enjoy!!!!


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